erin platvoet

Below, you will see some of the assignments completed throughout Rutgers Coding Bootcamp.


Project #1: Pokedex Search
Project #1: Pokédex Search

A hint of nostalgia as the user searches for Pokemon characters. Using the Poké API and the Youtube API, the user can access facts about each character as well as the top YouTube video associated with that character.

Deployed Link Repository
Project #2: Local Grub
Project #2: Local Grub

Local Grub is an app that utilizes the Zomato & MapQuest API to gather local restaurant information based off of the user's city choice. This app was created to help promote small business throughout local communities.

Deployed Link Repository


Password Generator
Password Generator

Application using JavaScript to generate random password containing user's choice in characters (lowercase, uppercase, numbers, and/or special characters).

Deployed Link Repository
Welcome to the Black Parade Quiz
Welcome to the Black Parade Quiz

My Chemical Romance's "Welcome to the Black Parade" Lyrics Quiz using JavaScript. Test your knowledge on the first verse of the song, and be sure to watch the music video that displays at the end!

Deployed Link Repository
Day Planner
Day Planner

Day Planner using JavaScript, moment.js, and local storage. This app helps the user to keep track of what's on the agenda for the day, and keeps track of time as well!

Deployed Link Repository
Weather Dashboard
Weather Dashboard

Check current weather information and get a 5 day forecast with this weather app! Just type in the city of your choice & information pulled from the OpenWeather API will be displayed.

Deployed Link Repository


README Generator
README Generator

Using the command line, this application asks the user a series of questions and will then generate a README file based off the user's input.

Deployed Link Repository
Team Profile Generator
Team Profile Generator

Using the command line, this application asks the user a series of questions and will then generate an HTML document for easier access to employee information.

Deployed Link Repository
Employee Tracker
Employee Tracker

Using the command line, this application utilizes Inquirer.js to add/view departments, roles, and employees, as well as the ability to update employee roles from the database.

Deployed Link Repository


What's on my To-Do List?
What's on my To-Do List?

Using express.js, this "Notes" application allows the user to save and create notes, as well as update and delete previously saved notes.

Deployed Link Repository
Belcher Burger Fun
Belcher Burger Fun

Using JavaScript, express.js, Handlebars and MySQL, this application allows the user to create a cook list for Bob. Burgers can even be "rushed" out to the hungry customer!

Deployed Link Repository

Be sure to check back, as more assignments will be added soon!